How To Massage The Clitoris

If you want to give your girl an orgasm she'll never forget, you have to do more than tickle her clit or stimulate her G-spot. Clitoral and penile erectile tissue are the same because all embryos start off with a vulva. Effectively communicating with your partner to identify what you want in a sexual relationship can be a challenge. Many of the parts of the clitoris are similar to that of the penis, but differ in shape and size, and are located in different places.

Psychological disorders such as depression, but also issues like self esteem and body image, decrease sexual response in women and in doing so make it less likely that women with these conditions will experience an orgasm. Evidence suggests that virtually all women can experience an orgasm although some never do, either due to physical or psychosocial factors.

If men only touch the woman for sex then the woman feels like a sex toy or object. Masturbation is stimulating your own body in a way that brings about sexual pleasure, release or comfort. You or a partner can stimulate your clitoris in a number of different ways — by rubbing, sucking, body pressure, or using a vibrator.

This gland can be stimulated during sexual activity; it swells with fluids and begins to feel bumpy. 5. You can start experimenting with pressure, speed, body parts (like tongues if you are with a partner), toys, or vibration. To achieve orgasm from the A or G, women need both the right type of stimulation (being both at the right location and the right speed and range of movement) and they need to be mentally prepared to feel it, McGough says.

Now it's time to learn the clitoral stimulation techniques that you can use during sex. But if you are able to achieve an orgasm on your own but not with a partner, measures to improve communication, increase trust and reduce anxiety may be more useful (see the following section on womanizer vibrator ‘Sex therapy').

Before tackling the techniques however, you should know the basic rules to follow when you want to give your woman a mind-numbing orgasm through clitoral stimulation. But if you learn other techniques and touches, you might find that clitoral orgasms create a great gateway to other types—and even multiple orgasms.

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